

twitter highlights emails: a study

The Highlights emails I received from Twitter have been bothering me for some time. Here’s a study showing how I would fix them.

As a side note, this topic came up on my timeline. Here’s a screenshot of the exchange.

Screen Shot 2021-01-28 at 1.50.49 PM.png

First, here’s a screenshot of one sent to my inbox just this morning. The subject of the email is loosely associated to the roundup of content, though it could be generic and even more engaging. A few ideas:

Here’s a few tweets you missed

Your Twitter HIghlights For the Week

Join the conversation! Katy Tur had this to say…


Identify the problems

I knew from personal experience clicking on certain sections of these tweets took you to different destinations. I knew I needed to figure out exactly where these links were taking you. Here’s what I found.

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Now that we roughly know where these clicks lead you, let’s simplify those hot spots:

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Now let’s change up the formatting for clear context into each tweet:

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Here’s what the new Highlight email could look like with the above functionality and format changes made:

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